App blocked by enterprise Windows Defender settings

I’ve used NSSM in past insulations and have set it up for one other person and haven’t had any problems.


NSSM is certainly an option, but I think it’ll be less complicated and avoids permissions issues if Syncthing is launched by Windows Task Scheduler instead.

Depending on if you’d like Syncthing to run 24/7 even when you’re not logged, enable the option to start at login time or Windows boot time.

Syncthing’s official docs has a section about this very thing: Run at user log on or at system startup using Task Scheduler

Take a look at the issues list for Syncthing Windows Setup and you’ll see that it used to use nssm but stopped due to anti-malware app paranoia. (It now uses shawl for installing the service instead of nssm.)

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Oops, all of you are right about the challenges of running it as a service. It is ideal to run during the user’s session, using the user’s account to access files.

I have no basis to disagree. Microsoft Defender blocking WMI appears to be a new reality for corporate users, and it wouldn’t surprise me to see this creep into other protection tools or to home users.

That makes a lot of sense! It could be triggered by when my own account logs in.

I feel it’s best for it only running when I am logged in.

This depends on the use case. For example, I install Syncthing as a service on a multi-user computer and I sync folders in several different user profiles. Installing as a service means that files get synced even when there are no users logged on.


I wrote a small utility tool for the next version for per-user installs that starts and stops Syncthing for the current user…

This doesn’t use WMI, and it starts syncthing.exe using “below normal” priority in a hidden window. Download location:

The next version of Syncthing Windows Setup will use this tool instead of the StartSyncthing.js and StopSyncthing.js scripts.

You can test now by copying stctl.exe into the Syncthing installation directory. To start Syncthing:

stctl --start

or to stop:

stctl --stop

(The saga of anti-malware “whack-a-mole” continues…)

Thank you. Confirming that this seems to work, and Syncthing is running and scanning files for a first-time sync.

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Thank you for testing! The stctl utility will replace the start and stop WMI scripts used in earlier versions.

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